Among the many collections of Cartier watches, the "Tank" series boasts particularly high popularity and name recognition.
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About the tank
Among the many collections of Cartier watches, the "Tank" series boasts particularly high popularity and name recognition. In 1919, general sales of this collection, based on the motif of tank ruts, began. More than 100 years later, it remains an iconic collection of Cartier watches.
Highly popular flagship model "Tank Louis Cartier"
タンク ルイ カルティエが誕生したのは、オリジナルのタンクが発表された3年後の1922年。カルティエ創業者の孫にあたるルイ・カルティエ自身が愛用していた腕時計でもあります。
Tank series men's collection "Tank MC"
タンク MCの「MC」は「マニュファクチュール・カルティエ」の頭文字から取ったものです。その名の通り、タンクMCはムーブメントから自社一貫製造されています。
ムーブメントは、カルティエ初の量産用自動巻きムーブメントである、自社製自動巻きムーブメント「キャリバー1904 MC」を搭載。48時間のパワーリザーブを誇るなど、機能性は抜群です。また、スケルトン構造の裏面からムーブメントが鑑賞できる点も、心をくすぐります。
男らしさあふれるデザインもタンク MCの魅力です。往年のタンクシリーズらしい繊細なデザインに力強さが追加され、高級感も一段と増しています。大人の男に似合う逸品といっても過言ではありません。
ムーブメントは、カルティエ初の量産用自動巻きムーブメントである、自社製自動巻きムーブメント「キャリバー1904 MC」を搭載。48時間のパワーリザーブを誇るなど、機能性は抜群です。また、スケルトン構造の裏面からムーブメントが鑑賞できる点も、心をくすぐります。
男らしさあふれるデザインもタンク MCの魅力です。往年のタンクシリーズらしい繊細なデザインに力強さが追加され、高級感も一段と増しています。大人の男に似合う逸品といっても過言ではありません。
Cartier's popular collection "tank solo"
"Tank Solo" is a collection derived from Cartier's iconic watch "Tank" series. It was announced in 2004, the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world's first watch "Santos" produced by Cartier. Among the tank series with a long history and many models, the tank solo has a particularly modern design. In addition, it is popular as an entry model at a relatively reasonable price range among luxury jeweler Cartier watches. However, unfortunately, it will be discontinued in 2021 and can only be seen on the Used market now.
The Tank Solo is a watch designed with a modern interpretation while inheriting the philosophy of "Tank Louis Cartier", which can be said to be the origin of the Tank series. Its simple, gender-neutral appearance draws attention and is gaining popularity among the tank series.
Another reason why the tank solo is supported is that the price is kept low in the high brand Cartier collection. The popularity of the brand was further enhanced by gaining support from a wide range of people as it was possible to obtain watches with sophisticated and beautiful designs at reasonable prices.
The Tank Solo is a watch designed with a modern interpretation while inheriting the philosophy of "Tank Louis Cartier", which can be said to be the origin of the Tank series. Its simple, gender-neutral appearance draws attention and is gaining popularity among the tank series.
Another reason why the tank solo is supported is that the price is kept low in the high brand Cartier collection. The popularity of the brand was further enhanced by gaining support from a wide range of people as it was possible to obtain watches with sophisticated and beautiful designs at reasonable prices.